advertisement ielts speaking part
Question 1. Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?
Answer 1 – To be honest, I do not like watching advertisements because if I need something, I search for that product online.
Answer 2 – Yes, I like watching advertisements as it keep me updated about each and every latest product.
Question 2. What kind of advertisements do you dislike?
Answer – I really dislike the advertisements that are too long as well as being shown again and again.
advertisement ielts speaking part
Question 3. Do you share advertisements with others?
Answer – Actually, it depends on the content of the advertisement. If I find the advertisement funny or useful, I share it with my friends and relatives; otherwise, I don’t.
Question 4. Do you want to work in the advertising in the future?
Answer – No, I do not want to work in advertising in the future because I don’t have such skills and my goals are totally different than this field.