Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

You should say:

What the task was?

How you completed it?

Why the task was difficult?

Why you were proud of the completion of the task?

Sample Answer 1

The difficult task I’d like to talk about is completing an important assignment in my 10th-grade Social Science subject, specifically on the topic of modern history of India. The task was to write a comprehensive research paper on the modern history of India, covering events from the mid-19th century.

It required a deep understanding of historical events, their causes and consequences, and the ability to analyze their impact on India’s society and politics. I approached this task by breaking it down into several manageable steps. First, I spent a significant amount of time researching the topic, gathering information from various sources such as textbooks, academic papers, and online resources.

This initial research phase allowed me to develop a clear outline and thesis statement for my paper. Next, I organized my findings into a structured essay format, ensuring that I covered all the important events and their significance. It involved countless hours of reading, note-taking, and drafting. I sought guidance from my teacher whenever I encountered challenging concepts or needed clarification on historical details.

What made this task particularly difficult was the sheer volume of information to cover and the need to present it coherently and logically. Additionally, I had to ensure that my writing was not only informative but also engaging to the reader. Moreover, receiving positive feedback from my teacher and achieving a high grade on the assignment further boosted my sense of accomplishment.

It was a moment of personal growth, knowing that I could tackle a challenging task and produce a piece of work that I could be proud of. In conclusion, completing the assignment on modern history of India during my 10th-grade studies was a difficult task due to its complexity and the extensive research and writing involved. However, the sense of pride I felt upon completing it successfully, along with the valuable knowledge gained, made it a highly rewarding experience in my academic journey.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

Sample Answer 2

Well, i love to try new and new activities in order to enhance my personality. I have performed countless tasks throughout my life, some of them were easy while others were difficult. Here, i am going to talk about a running competition in which i participated during my college days which was difficult for me. Actually, during my graduation, our college organized a running competition at a district level.

I decided to participate in that race. In order to get first prize, i started my running practice in a stadium which was located near our hometown. I used to go for practice in the morning as well as evening. I was serious for that event so i worked hard in order to win that event. Finally, on the competition day, i got up early in the morning and i was in full energy. In that race, i gave my hundred percent and luckily i got first position.

That task was very difficult because some sport’s players took part in that competition. So getting first position as against them was not easy for me. After my win, i was over the moon. As, I got first prize, hence i got a scholarship from my college principal. So My parents were also happy. In the evening, when we reached home, my parents organized a party to celebrate my achievement.

So we invited our loved ones for that party. We all were very happy on that day. Everyone appreciated my efforts. Lastly, i would say that was the time when i accomplished a difficult task and i felt proud of myself.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

Follow up

1. What are the things that make people feel proud?

Answer – People often experience a sense of pride when they accomplish personal or professional goals. Success in one’s endeavors, whether it be completing a challenging project at work, achieving academic milestones, or even mastering a new skill, can evoke a profound sense of accomplishment. Additionally, positive recognition from peers, family, or superiors plays a significant role in fostering feelings of pride, as it validates one’s efforts and capabilities. Moreover, contributing to the well-being of others through acts of kindness or philanthropy can also instill a deep sense of pride and fulfillment.

2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?

Answer – Yes, individuals frequently experience a surge of pride upon the completion of challenging tasks. The sense of accomplishment derived from overcoming obstacles, demonstrating resilience, and achieving a set goal contributes to elevated self-esteem. Whether in the professional realm or personal life, tackling difficult tasks not only validates one’s competence but also serves as a source of motivation for future endeavors. The emotional satisfaction derived from conquering challenges often reinforces individuals’ belief in their capabilities and fuels a positive mindset.

3. What challenges do young people face today?

Answer – Young people today confront a myriad of challenges, including academic pressure, career uncertainties, and the pervasive influence of technology. The competitive job market and rising educational expectations create stress and anxiety. Additionally, issues such as mental health concerns, societal expectations, and the impact of social media contribute to the complex challenges faced by the younger generation, shaping their experiences and perspectives.

4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?

Answer – Young people employ various coping mechanisms when faced with difficult tasks. Effective time management, seeking guidance from mentors or peers, and breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps are common strategies. Embracing a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for learning, and maintaining a support system of friends and family contribute to their resilience Furthermore, utilizing technology and online resources enhances their problem-solving capabilities and facilitates collaboration on challenging projects.

5. What are the most difficult jobs that people do?

Answer – Some of the most challenging professions include emergency responders, such as firefighters and paramedics, who face life-threatening situations daily. Similarly, professions in the healthcare sector, particularly surgeons and critical care nurses, demand precision and the ability to make quick, high-stakes decisions. Astronauts, navigating the complexities of space exploration, and military personnel, operating in intense and unpredictable environments, also undertake exceptionally demanding roles. These jobs require a unique combination of expertise, resilience, and the capacity to perform under extreme pressure.


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