Describe a good law in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a good law in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a good law in your country IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a good law in your country IELTS CUE CARD

You Should Say:

What is the law?

How you came to know about this law

Whom does it affect?

And explain why you think it is a good law?

Sample Answer

Well, laws play an important role in every country because laws help to maintain rules and regulations as well as smooth running of the society. Without these laws, many kinds of crimes and wrong happenings can be seen in the societies. There are various types of Laws which are good for society and people such as, Ban on the usage of Plastic bags, Smoking on public places and so on.

But, here I would like to talk about a law on banning the usage of Plastic Bags. I remember, around 5 years before, Indian government implemented the law to ban plastic carry bags which I came to know through Internet. This law affects each and every person on earth. In terms of advantages, not only human beings will save themselves from dangerous effects of plastic carry bags, but also lots of animals may secure their life which are commonly seen on roads in my nation who unknowingly eats plastic carry bags and few of them may lost their lives.

Furthermore, Government of India banned the usage of Carry bags in 2016 but somewhere this law was failed because there were no alternatives of plastic carry bags. After 2 years on World Environment day, Government announced again strict ban against the usage of plastic carry bags and all other sort of plastic forms like, Drinking straws, Carry bags and bottles of plastic.

from this, Lawmakers also gave its alternatives at that time like, handmade bags, paper carry bags and clothing bags. It was really good initiative by Government of India to ban because it is non- biodegradable as well as emit harmful fumes into air, if burnt, which has really detrimental effects on air. At last I can say that it is a good law which will help to secure the environment.

Describe a good law in your country IELTS CUE CARD


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