Describe a historical period that you would like to know more about IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a historical period that you would like to know more about IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a historical period that you would like to know more about IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a historical period that you would like to know more about

You Should Say:

What period do you want to know more about? historical period know more

Why do you want to know more about it?

How do you think you can know about it?

Sample Answer 1

One historical period that I would like to know more about is the time when my country got independence. Especially, 1947 is the year which intrigues me and most excites me to learn more about it.

I want to know more about this historical period for various reasons. First of all it is essential to learn in detail what our freedom fighters went through to get us freedom from the British. Their sacrifice is priceless and it is worthy of lots of respect and appreciation. One more reason for my curiosity for this period is that my history teacher made it live and extremely emotional and valuable lesson in class.

He made us actually visualise the cruelty and bloodshed that our ancestors had to go through. His words gave me goose bumps. He went beyond the lesson and explained every battle in minute detail.

Describe a sports program you like to watch

historical period know more

There are different methods and mediums which can be a source of information for me. School textbooks and internet articles are the most basic but they are not enough. An excellent source is to talk to some freedom fighter. He or she can give information from the horse’s mouth. However, that is going to be difficult.

Watching movies and web series is also a good way through which I can learn more about this historical period. Such periods should be taught not only in schools but also in the community. These are vital for all the citizens so that they can realise and cherish the sacrifices made by people in the past. The good deeds of people should not go in vain.

When I see about the freedom movement in the movies my blood boils and I feel passionate to do something robust and similar for my country. Sometimes, I wish that I should have also been a part of the freedom struggle so that I can feel proud that I made a contribution to my country’s independence.

Sample Answer 2


Learning history always fascinates me as it increases my knowledge about many things like past societies, cultures and many more.

Today, I am going to talk about a historical period which existed from 1799 to 1849 and it is ‘Sikh empire’. It is one of the greatest empires in India. The first king of this empire was Maharaja Ranjit Singh. As I belong to a Sikh family, during my childhood, my grandfather used to tell me about the history of sikhism.

Because of him, I developed my internet in this historical period. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was considered the greatest leader of the Sikh empire because of his unique leadership style during his time period in history.

historical period know more

I want to know more about his empire like how it came into existence and how Maharaja Ranjit Singh expanded his empire as he was crowned maharaja only at the age of 20. I can learn this period through books related to the life of this Sikh king.

In addition to this, many serials has been made on Sikh empire which I would like to watch in order to gain more knowledge about this historical period. I also came to know that a museum constructed in Amritsar that preserves the history, culture and architecture of the Sikhs and also provides details on Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s life.

Sample Answer 3


Undoubtedly, history is part and parcel of every person’s life which gives a sense of identity.

Here I’d like to talk about a crucial historical period about which I want to enhance my knowledge which is none other than the Sikh empire. It started in the year 1801 and last up to the year 1839. I vividly remember that around year ago a song named Lahore was released and at end of this song emphasis was given on the kingdom of Sher-e-Punjab “Maharaja Ranjit Singh ji” which rose my fascination towards this time.

Hence I asked my grandfather about that period and he acquainted me that this empire is known as sarkar-i- khalsa and was established by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Moreover, he articulated that it is the quintessential example of a secular as well as prosperous realm because during that period no one was sentenced to death or no anti-social activity was committed because people were financially strong enough and led cheerful life.

On top, I also got to know that in that empire people were appointed to distinct designations on basis of their caliber not only from India but also from European nations. These captivating facts made me flabbergasted and inquisitive to know more about that time. Till now my knowledge about that period is akin to a drop in ocean but I am ready to strain every nerve for it.

Although these days I am surfing the internet for this, I did not find enough content. So now my bosom friend who is a bibliophile suggested some books to read which are reliable source. I will read them as soon as possible to broaden my horizon of knowledge regarding that golden period.

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