Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

You should say

Who this person is

How do you know him/her

What he/she likes to talk about

And explain how you feel about this person

Sample Answer

One person I know who is incredibly talkative is my friend named Bhinda. We first crossed paths during our school days when we were assigned as lab partners in a physics class, and since then, our friendship has only deepened. Bhinda is a garrulous individual, and he has an supernatural ability to turn even the most mundane topics into animated conversations. What sets him apart is not just the quantity of words he uses but the quality of his discourse.

He has an extensive lexicon and an affinity for incorporating very unusual terms into everyday discussions, making interactions with him intellectually stimulating. When Bhinda engages in conversation, he often gravitates towards topics that are intellectually challenging. Whether it’s delving into philosophical debates, scientific theories, or exploring the nuances of classical literature, he is never short of subjects to explore verbally.

Besides this, he also has a strong inclination for sharing narratives, adding a personal touch to his extensive range of topics. As for how I feel about Bhinda, his verbosity is both fascinating and, at times, amusing. It’s as if he has an inexhaustible reservoir of words and ideas waiting to be shared.

While his state of being very talkative can be overwhelming on occasion, it has broadened my intellectual horizons and provided a unique perspective on various subjects. Bhinda’s articulate nature has made our friendship not just enjoyable but also intellectually enriching, and I appreciate having such a communicative and erudite friend in my life.

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer 2

I wish to talk about Navpreet. He is a person who simply loves to chat. He is known for being really friendly and talkative, always ready for a good conversation. You might call Navpreet gregarious because making connections with others comes naturally to him. I got to know about him through mutual friends at a gathering and now he is also my friend.

He is amiable and approachable, making it easy to strike up a conversation. Navpreet’s vocal nature and outgoing personality sets him apart in social situations. He’s the kind of person you notice in a crowd, sparking lively discussions effortlessly with any person. When it comes to topics, He is quite versatile.

He’s not afraid to be outspoken, especially when it comes to issues he’s passionate about. From the latest news to deeper discussions about societal matters, Navpreet’s conversations are robust and intellectually engaging. He always has unique point of view. Being around him is an experience filled with positive energy.

His zealous approach for conversations is infectious, creating an environment where ideas flow freely. Despite his talkative nature, being with Navpreet feels uplifting. His industrious approach to communication not only makes him a great conversationalist but also someone who brings vibrancy to any social setting.

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS CUE CARD

Follow up

Q1. What communication skills does a talkative person have?

Answer – Talkative people have a number of communication skills, the most prominent of which is verbal communication, as they are really well versed in the methods of giving speeches, as well as know how to put their point in front of others clearly and confident as well. Apart from that, they have abundant knowledge about the topic they are talking about, as well as great listening skills to understand I the perspective of others.

Q2. Is it good to be talkative?

Answer – Being talkative has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. If I talk about the advantages, they can build more connections, make more friends, and share their views with a good sense of humor. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages, like being too frank to someone can lead to a decrease in their overall personality, and sometimes people find them more annoying and try to keep a distance from that person.

Q3. How should parents encourage their children to talk more?

Answer – Parents can encourage their children to talk more by various methods first,, they should provide them a supportive environment where they will not judge them and make them assure that their opinions are important to them. Moreover, parents can also engage them in an open-ended conversation, asking about their days, as well as involving them in some interesting games.

Q4. How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked that they are afraid to answer?

Answer – There are certain things that people can adopt to help the children be less afraid to answer the questions. First and foremost, they should make them comfortable in an environment that they will not judge based on their opinions or they will support them. Moreover, they should also understand the mentality of the child, and according to that, they should correct them without being rude.

Q5. On what occasions do you think a child should talk less than usual?

Answer – People should talk less than usual in certain situations, like whenever any formal waiting is going on or someone is teaching, as it is a good etiquette. Moreover, whenever the elders are talking about a serious topic as well as some places that require quietness, like libraries and museums, children should talk less. For instance, during solemn ceremonies or formal events, maintaining respectful silence is essential. Despite their natural exuberance, limiting conversation in certain situations helps instill a sense of decorum and consideration for others. Balancing self-expression with appropriate restraint is crucial for a child’s social development.

6. What jobs need employees to be talkative?

Answer – While various professions value communication skills, jobs in sales, customer service, and public relations particularly require employees to be talkative. In these roles, effective verbal communication is essential for building rapport, addressing client needs, and building rapport, addressing client needs, and promoting products or services. While other professions may benefit from good communication, the aforementioned fields heavily rely on employees’ talkativeness to succeed.

7 What communication skills are important?

Answer – Effective communication skills encompass active listening, clear articulation, non-verbal cues, and adaptability. Even though each skill is crucial, active listening fosters understanding, clear articulation ensures message clarity, non-verbal cues convey emotions, and adaptability tailors communication to diverse situations, making them collectively indispensable in various contexts.

8. Are most Indian people talkative?

Answer – Well, it depends on the individual; personalities vary greatly. While some Indians are naturally talkative and enjoy engaging in lively conversations, others may be more reserved or introverted. Cultural factors, regional differences, and personal experiences all contribute to the diverse communication styles within the Indian population. Overall, it would be unfair to generalize, as talkativeness is subjective and varies across the spectrum of personalities in India.

9. Should children be encouraged to talk more?

Answer – On the one hand, encouraging children to talk more fosters crucial communication skills, aiding in their cognitive and social development. It enhances their ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively. On the other hand, excessive emphasis on talking might inadvertently neglect the importance of active listening and may lead to potential disruptions in classrooms or group settings. Balancing verbal expression with attentive listening is essential for comprehensive communication development in children.


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home IELTS CUE CARD


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