Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like You should say IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like IELTS CUE CARD

You Should Say:

Where it was taken/drawn

When it was taken/drawn

Who took/drew it

And explain how you felt about it

Sample Answer 1

Honestly speaking i am fond of taking photographs from my young age and I have several photographs either taken by me or anyone I know. Here I would like to talk about the picture that holds a special place in my heart. It is a photograph taken during my childhood, capturing a moment with my mother.

It was taken in our backyard garden on a warm summer afternoon, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. I must have been around six years old at the time. My mother was the one who took the photograph, using our old film camera. She had a knack for capturing candid moments that reflected the warmth and love within our family. In this particular picture, I remember standing beside her, holding a bouquet of freshly picked flowers from the garden.

My mother had her arm around me, her smile radiant as she looked down at me with so much love in her eyes. Every time I look at this picture, it fills me with a sense of nostalgia and warmth. It reminds me of the innocence and simplicity of childhood, where happiness was found in the little joys of life, like spending time with loved ones in our backyard garden. The colors in the photograph, the soft hues of the flowers, and the gentle sunlight streaming through the trees, all evoke a sense of tranquility and contentment.

This picture captures a beautiful moment frozen in time, a memory that I hold dear to my heart. It serves as a reminder of the unconditional love and support that my mother has always provided, and it brings me immense comfort, especially during challenging times. Overall, this picture holds immense sentimental value to me, and it will always be a cherished memento of my childhood and the loving bond I share with my mother.

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer 2

Photography is a practice that allows for self-expression, preserves memories, fosters creativity, as well as serves as a powerful communication tool and today I would like to talk about a photograph that I admire a lot. I vividly remember that a couple of years ago, my parents and nephew had come to visit me in Toronto and we all went to visit the majestic and world famous Niagara Falls where we clicked a family picture together.

Moreover, we wanted to get a closer view of the falls so we were strolling on the trails next to the falls and decided to rest for some time as the walk is of approximately 4 kilometers. We all sat in the front of the guarded fence with the gigantic and picturesque falls in the backdrop and were enjoying the sounds of the gushing water to click a photo of all of us together.

Additionally, we were all layered up in winter coats and had scarves wrapped around our heads as it was quite chilly and windy near the falls. Despite the cold weather, we were all smiling and seemed completely.

Finally, the photo makes me feel quite nostalgic as my family members came for a very short duration and reminds me of all the great memories that we created during that trip which I still cherish and feel on cloud nine whenever I look at that picture.

Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like IELTS CUE CARD


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