Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often IELTS

You should say:

What it is? piece clothing wear often
How often you wear it?
What it is like?
And explain why you enjoy wearing it?

Sample Answer 1


Well, clothing is an important part of our personality. Different style appeal to different kinds of people. Some people like to wear whatever their favorite celebrity wear whereas, some like which suit them. Today, I am going to talk about a piece of clothing which I wear most often.

piece clothing wear often

Actually, I love to wear white T-shirt with jeans. In fact, these are one of my favorite attires .I usually wear it on many occasions like for parties ,outings, as well as when I go for my classes. So, it is the best attire to wear anywhere. I get amazing compliments whenever I wear it. As white color is universal and it gets along with any color.

From my perspective, white colours always help to reflect your personality as a simple, calm human being and even you can stay away from anger as well. As far as its fabric is concerned, I give preference to cotton which is one of the best fabrics for t-shirts. I really enjoy wearing it because I feel fresh after wearing it.


Now in summers, it is my favourite one as it keeps my body cool and also it reflects the heat and sunlight. So, this is a piece of clothing which I wear often and it boosts my confidence.

Sample Answer 2


Well, wearing fashionable clothes has become a trend these days due to the introduction of various brands. Although I have a VAST collection of ATTIRES in my wardrobe, But here I would like to mention a particular piece of APPAREL that I wear frequently.

It is none other than Jean. if i talk about its appearance, It is black in colour. The style is classic and elegant as well. It is wearable as formal as well as casaul. When it comes to fabric, it is soft and stretchable making this COSTUME stand out from the crowd.

Last month, one of my closest PALS returned from Canada. She gifted me this piece of clothing as my birthday gift. She knew that i always wanted this pair of jean as i told her once when we used to study together. As our PHYSIQUES are similar, it fits me well.

I felt comfortable and hands-free after wearing it because it has various pockets for carrying items, so I don’t need to take a bag with me. When I wear it, I get a lot of compliments from my loved ones, and some of them even ask me to get one for them because it isn’t available in my country.

I like wearing it for a VARIETY OF reasons. First and foremost, it is VERSATILE in nature, as it can be dressed with any SORT of shirt or t-shirt. Furthermore, it is suitable for every type of occasion, whether I am going for a casual meeting with friends or semi formal GATHERING. Aside from that, it enhances my personality. Lastly, I would say this is the piece of GARMENTS I wear THRICE a week.

piece clothing wear often

Sample Answer 3

Well, my all-time favorite attire is jeans pants and a t shirt. I can wear it almost daily and anywhere. I have many jeans pants of different colors but my favorite is the combination of basic indigo color pants and white t-shirt. I have many shades of blue denims because I am very fond of wearing it.

I make it a point to buy two to three new pants on my birthday as a self-gift. Jeans is a rough and tough popular outfit. I have purchased one new pair of a jeans and a t-shirt recently from a local store in my city. That store is very well-known for selling trendy casual wear at affordable prices. It has a rich and varied collection.

I love to visit that store and so sometimes I also go there for window shopping. I normally buy my clothes from this outlet. I wear jeans and t-shirt every day. I do not need a special reason or an occasion to wear it. Whether it is an ordinary day or some festival or event you will find me in a jeans.

As you can see I am wearing it today as well / It is by chance that I am not wearing it today because I wanted to feel different. There are many reasons why I prefer to wear this apparel/clothing in comparison to any other dress.

The first and foremost reason is the comfortable feeling it gives to me. Wearing jeans is considered stylish and options in colors and styles are endless in it. Jeans are known for its durability and it is easy to maintain. I don’t have to take any special care to wash it. Maintenance is also easy as it does not require ironing. If I am wearing a dark color I can hide any stains very well and I can wear the jeans three to four times before washing it.

Follow up

Question 1. What is the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of older people?

Answer – There is a distinction between the dressing styles of young and old people. When it comes to younger people, they are more interested in western clothes such as jeans, t-shirts, long skirts, and so on. On the other hand, older people want to wear both traditional and modern apparel, but they must be comfortable.

Question 2. Do people living in the northern part of your country wear different clothes compared to those living in the south?

Answer – These days everyone is a fashion freak, so they love to wear the attires, which make them more attractive, so there is no difference between the wearing habits of the northern part of the country and the southern part, but if I have to differentiate, then I will say that in the Northern part, people mostly wear Western outfits on the other hand in South they wear traditional more.

piece clothing wear often

Question 3. What kind of clothes should people wear at work?

Answer – Actually, it depends on the type of work the people do. If the person is doing some professional work, then they have to wear something formal as well as the uniform, but on the other hand, others who are doing work themselves as well as business or at a shop show can wear whatever suits their comfort.

Question 4. Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?

Answer – Yes, it is absolutely necessary for children to wear school uniforms because it provides them a sense of equality; no one knows who is from a wealthy family or who is from a poor family. Furthermore, outsiders can be easily spotted easily, this fosters discipline and security at the institution, as well as increasing the institute’s reputation.

Question 5. Where do Indian people buy clothes?

Answer – It depends on the financial status of the business. If the person is from a rich family, they prefer to go to the branded shops in the Mega malls to buy clothes; otherwise, the local people prefer to buy clothes from the local shops. Moreover, these days people love to shop from online websites like Amazon or Flipkart.

Question 6. When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?

Answer – In my nation, mostly people wear traditional attire on some special occasions like cultural festivals, religious ceremonies, and weddings, or if there is any annual function based on the theme of traditional wear.

Question 7. Does the climate affect what people wear?

Answer – yes, definitely, climate directly affects the wearing habits of the people. In hot weather, people wear light coloured clothes as well as loose clothes, but in cold weather, they wear layers of the warmer garments to keep them warm. In the rainy season, individuals wear raincoats.

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