You Should Say:
What the skill is? skill learnt older people
Who did you learn it from?
How did you learn it?
And explain how do you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1
well, learning different types of skills play part and parcel role in every individual’s life. In our daily life, we can learn numerous skills from our kith and kins. So, today I want to shed some light on a skill which I learned from my mother. she is not only my mother but also my best friend. The name of that skill is cooking. It is really an interesting skill and everyone should have knowledge about this skill.
Actually, during the period of lockdown, I was almost free at my home and wanted to learn any new skill. Because I am a kind of person who believes in learning and learning is the never ending process. So, I told to my mother to teach me this skill because she is the best chef in my eyes and I believe that she is the jack of all trades.
skill learnt older people
My mother and I decided to make at least 1 new dish on regular basis so I could learn quickly. She helped me to make one dish daily. I took around 3 months to learn this skill, now I also want to teach this skill to my friends because I think it is one of the essential skills for everyone.
So, this is the skill that I learned from my mother and if I get a chance in my future to start my youtube channel about cooking classes, I will definitely start it. Because I think this is the biggest platform in the world from where people can learn from all over the world. This kind of work also gives me satisfaction.
Sample Answer 2
Well, every person learns from womb to tomb. Till now, I have learned certain skills from my kith and kins and here I’m going to talk about a particular skill that I learned from my grandfather. This skill is bicycle riding which is extremely lucrative for everyone to maintain physique and contribute to environmental protection. I vividly remember on my 8th birthday my grandpa gifted me a ranger bicycle of red color which made me overwhelmed
I was juiced to learn bicycling and my grandfather decided to teach me but it was not child’s play for me. He used to take me to the park every morning which is a stone’s throw our residence. On the first day, he acquainted me with the names of cycle parts and their function such as brake and pedals.
skill learnt older people
My grandfather used to sit at back and continue guiding me but one day I obstinate to ride aloof and fell after covering some distance due to which my knee and elbow were severely injured. Hence I decided to drop the idea of learning bicycle riding but after a few days my grandfather assisted me to screw up courage and he left no stone unturned to teach me this skill.
Eventually, his incessant efforts and exhortation proved fruitful and I became proficient in cycling. I felt over the moon and I’m exceedingly grateful to my grandfather for teaching me such a useful skill that not only made my childhood more enjoyable but also acted as a foundation stone for driving skills.