Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a time when you helped a child IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a time when you helped a child

You Should Say:

When it was? describe time helped child

How you helped him or her?

Why you helped him or her

And explain how you felt about it?

Sample Answer 1


Well, helping others contributes to our happiness and also boosts our self-confidence. Moreover, we get positive feeling when we help others.

I have helped many people in my life but today, i am going to talk about a time when i helped a child. It happened last year when i lent a helping hand to my nephew who is five years old. Actually, there was an art competition in his school in which students took part in various skills like painting, dancing and drawing.

As he loves drawing, so he decided to participate in it. He requested me to help him in it. Although, her teacher taught him regarding this skill but he did not understand it. Also, he is very shy and find it difficult to ask questions from teachers.

Bike ielts speaking part 1 answers

describe time helped child

As i am fond of drawing and i decided to help him because first of all, he is my nephew. I wanted to explore his interest in drawing. After that, i started teaching him from the basic level. At first, i told me to draw simple lines on the paper.

Then i asked him about his favourite things because when we draw things in which we are interested in, helps us to increase our focus in that work Gradually, he was able to draw images such as, animals,houses,tress,plants and rainbows. I felt quite satisfied after helping him because he took his work very seriously.

In fact, he got second position in his competition which gave me a lot of happiness and i cannot explain it in words. Actually, when we help others and make them happy, nothing is bigger than that moment. When my nephew thanked me he was looking adorable (very cute). Then i hugged him. So, that was the time when i helped my nephew.

Sample Answer 2


It would be unfair not to mention the fact that childhood is the most crucial time in a person’s life since it is the foundation of a man’s personality. To be honest, I feel deep sense of happiness in helping others.

Here, I’m going to describe a situation when I helped a child. When I finished my secondary education, I still recall visiting my former facility to express my gratitude to my teacher. I observed a group of kids waiting for the school bus in that area.

I noticed that one little child was standing apart from the other children. He started crying when I questioned him about his sadness. I was trying to help him but he did not tell me anything. Luckily, one of the students in the group told me that he lost his money he had to buy some chocolates and candies from the nearest shop.

describe time helped child

He was not interested in speaking with me because I was the stranger to him. The convenience store was close to the bus stop, so I gave the owner the money in front of him and others. The shop owner was not stranger for anyone.

So, He listened to me and the shop owner also gave some extra things to make him happy. The best part was that he also shared his stuff with others. In that child, I noticed two qualities: first, not trusting strangers, and second, sharing is caring.

I must emphasize that parents should ensure that kids are raised properly. Lastly, I would remark that I enjoyed gifting him some chocolates and that it brought back memories of my time in school.

Sample Answer 3

It was quite tricky for me to think of a particular child because I’m not someone who spends a lot of time with children but don’t misunderstand me, I did help some children actually. Anyway, I remembered that not so long ago I lent my hand to a young one named Josh in making chocolate brownies for his schoolmates.

Let me dive into the detail that why I had to help him? well, he had invited some of his friends for giving them a treat because he topped in the school and his mother was feeling under the weather. This is why he asked me to bake brownies for them.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no expert in cooking but I have a bit of a knack for baking. If I’m not mistaken, there were roughly nine kids so we’d decided to make plain chocolate brownies because that was something I was pretty confident about. I’m ashamed to admit that when I first tried that time it was a bit runny so I had to bake it again because it was undercooked.

Finally, we baked not too runny and all of his mates complimented him that they had never tasted this before. Josh thanked me profusely and was delighted that I helped him. I think I’m right in saying that helping someone in a tough situation is unbelievably rewarding and it gave me a real sense of satisfaction.

describe time helped child

Follow up

Q1 Do you like helping others?

Answer – I’m always ready to lend my hand to others because I’m generous to a fault and it’s hard for me to avoid when someone needs me.

Q2 Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Answer – Off the top of my head, helping others is vital. Firstly, upbringing varies from parent to parent and I guess if a child doesn’t like to help others, I believe he has never been taught by his parents.

Q3 Do you think nowadays people do more good work than compared in the past?

Answer – Well, speaking from what I’ve seen, the current generation of kids is inspired by motivational videos that they tend to watch online. Whereas people were less motivated in the past due to a lack of awareness of good work.

Q4 Will you help others in the future?

Answer – To be perfectly honest, who knows what the future would bring because it’s uncertain but if given a chance, I would jump at it.

Q5 How do you encourage children to encourage others? Oh my goodness, there are too many ways to mention.

Answer – Firstly, I always share positive thoughts as well as inspiring stories of great children on social media so that other kids can be encouraged and secondly I try to please them by giving them the prize from time to time.

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