Describe a time when your computer broke down IELTS CUE CARD
Describe a time when your computer broke down
You Should Say:
When it was? time computer broke down
What you were doing?
What you did about it?
And how you felt about it?
Sample Answer
Well, technology has been entered in every nook and corner but there is no assurance of electronic gizmos’ workability. Here I’m film Maker going to talk about a time when my computer stopped working. I vividly remember it is a matter of 3 years ago when I attended my maternal uncle’s house warming party virtually who is a dweller of Canada. I was extremely inquisitive to be part of it but due to geographical barriers, it was not possible in reality so my uncle promised to show me everything online.
I was tickled pink on that day when I received a Skype video call from him. At that time I did not possess a mobile phone so I attended to it on my laptop. I was startled to see the decoration because the whole house was adorned like a bride. There was a gathering of around 50 people. I was relishing everything exceedingly along with my family. My uncle and his family were going to slice the cake and to capture this movement I tried to take a screenshot but out of the blue screen laptop turned blank and showed text boot device not found which made me anxious because it was first-time-ever when I came across such kind of issue and in order to tackle this issue at the drop of a hat I restarted it but still the issue was same.
time computer broke down
Besides this, my brother started instigating my parents that I damaged computer and now it would need a lot of money for repair. Then removed its battery and inserted it again but my all efforts went down in the drain. I was feeling down in the dumps but fortunately, my bosom friend Sophie paid a visit to us who is tech-savvy. Then I narrated the whole incident with her but she told me not to worry and acquainted me that it is a minor glitch that took place due to online virus attack.
She solved this problem within a fraction of seconds by doing some alterations in BIOS settings. With aid of her I became capable to rejoin that event. Although it was a petty issue but due to dearth of technical knowledge I suffered a lot and I missed some significant rituals and fascinating games of party. I was extremely grateful to her and praised her to skies for her technical ken which not only saved our money but also assisted me to be escaped from my parents rebuke.
time computer broke down
Follow up
Q: For what purpose do people use a computer?
A: A computer can do unimaginable tasks. The list is endless. It can fly a plane, instruct a robot to do things for us, do calculations, save data and it is an excellent medium for communication. You name it and the computer can do it. But we have to program it accordingly.
Q: Do you think that children are dependent a lot on computer?
A: Oh yes, children are too much dependent on computers. They use it not only to make their education easier but also to play games and waste time. Computer has replaced a lot of things in education which is not a good sign.
Q: What will life be without a computer?
A: I think life without a computer appears impossible. It sounds like living in the Stone Age and a primitive life. Computers have gripped us and we are slaves to it. Technology has taken control of our lives and made us handicapped. I cannot imagine life without computers.
time computer broke down
Q: What roles has a computer played during the pandemic lockdown?
A: They have played a great role. They have helped us connect virtually with our dear ones whom we could not meet due to the virus. They made work and education possible. They acted as a very powerful medium to continue with our crippled life.
Q: Do you think that the smart phone will replace the computer in a long run?
A: This is very much possible in the near future. Smart phones have replaced so many other gadgets like cameras, calendars, watches, alarms, voice recorders and so many other things. If technology advances then the computer may become obsolete and we may not need them as phones would do their tasks.