Describe a traditional festival (or tradition) that is important in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a traditional festival (or tradition) that is important in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a traditional festival (or tradition) that is important in your country IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a traditional festival (or tradition) that is important in your country

You Should Say:

when the festival occurs traditional festival important country

what you do during it

what you like or dislike about it

and explain why this festival is important

Sample Answer 1

Well, India is a diverse country and every state has it’s own importance in terms of having and celebrating numerous festivals. Moreover, people from different cultures give importance to many historical events.

However, today I would like to talk about the most imperative and biggest festival which is “Diwali”. It is known as the Festival of Lights. Diwali comes in October or November month. People have different rituals on this day. It is said that, thousands of years ago, Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya, his native place after the exile of 14 years.

Describe someone you know who often helps others

traditional festival important country

All people of his kingdom lit lamps on that day. We worship the goddess of wealth (Laxmiji) on the eve of the Diwali festival. Moreover, we firecrackers at night and eat snacks also. The most important thing about this festival, it is not only celebrated in India but also some foreign countries with full courage and enthusiasm.

On the eve of Diwali, we wake up early, go to temples and pray to God to make the coming year better. We also take the blessings of our family members and elders. Then we greet Happy new year (some people’s belief) to all our friends, relatives and neighbours. Apart from this, we also give and receive gifts.

I like this festival the most because the enjoyment we can have with sweets, crackers, new clothes, and prayers is amazing. The atmosphere of the whole country changes in such a way that feel elated. Moreover, I also like to meet my friends and relatives so that I can greet them.

Sample Answer 2

Celebrating festivals gives an opportunity for fun and entertainment. It helps to reduce stress as we meet our kith and kin on festivals and make conversations with them so, we become busy and forget tensions.

Today, I am going to talk about an important festival. The name of that festival is Baisakhi. It is an annual festival celebrated on 13 April, sometimes on 14 April. It is a great occasion when crops are harvested. Farmers and their workers celebrate their success.

On Baisakhi, people get up early in the morning and pay obeisance to God. This festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm at Takht Sri Damdma sahib, Talwandi Sabo which is almost 15 km away from my hometown. Every year, I go there with my family members. Large food stalls can be seen in this place.

I like the most about this festival is cultural activity. Youngsters perform our folk dance Bhangra in order to disseminate(spread) our culture. Moreover, I also enjoy processions through the streets called nagar kirtan. People of every village offer food to devotees. There are a lot of swings near the Sikh temple in Talwandi sabo for children.

Baisakhi is an important festival for Sikhism because on 13 April, 1699 Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji, tenth guru of Sikh religion laid the foundation of Sikh panth. It is the day of birth of Khalsa. So, this is the biggest festival of Sikhs.

traditional festival important country

Follow up

Question 1. Are traditional holidays disappearing?

Answer – Yes, traditional holidays are disappearing but the reason behind this is more fruitful than holidays because these days schools or companies prefer to organize many events to celebrate them as well as to aware the public about the importance of traditions and customs.

Question 2. Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?

Answer – Yes, children are quite interested to know about the traditional festivals due to social platforms that inform the children about the traditional festivals. therefore, Children are curious to know about the importance of festivals as well as to explore the historical monuments.

Question 3. Is music important to traditional festivals?

Answer – Yes, music plays a significant role in traditional festivals as there is a tradition to sing the traditional songs to start or end the celebration of festival thus music completes the celebration. Moreover, music creates a festive atmosphere and brings people together, connect the people to their roots, and it is a great way to preserve the cultural tradition associated with the festivals by recording for upcoming generation.

Question 4. What is the importance of traditional festivals?

Answer – Traditional festivals play a significant role in humans lives as they help to connect the people to their ancestors, their culture, their heritage as well as give them a sense of identity. Moreover these days all people are living a hectic schedule so festival celebration is the only way to bring families together and strengthen their relationship.

Question 5. What’s the difference between festivals now and in the past?

Answer – There is a huge difference between the celebration of the previous time and now, as in the past people used to celebrate the festivals because of their importance or to worship the lords, but now people celebrate festivals to show off their status, promote their business as well as for their enjoyment.

Question 6. Do you think western festivals like Christmas are replacing traditional festivals in your country?

Answer – No I don’t think so that the Western festivals are replacing traditional festivals even people are becoming more socialized as well as broad minded by adapting the festivals of foreign as well as foreigners are also accepting the traditional cultures of our nation without any discrimination on basis of caste or nationality.

Question 7. Do you think it is wrong for children not to celebrate traditional festivals?

Answer – No, there is nothing wrong with it, as it totally depends on the people’s preferences whether they want to celebrate them or not, but due to this they are contributing in disappearance of traditional festivals as well as they are making a map from their ancestors.

Question 8. Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals at school?

Answer – Yes, children must learn about traditional festivals in school because school is the appropriate place to teach them about historical events and the significance of the festival, so they will learn and celebrate, as well as learn some model values and the importance of family celebration.

Question 9. Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?

Answer – Yes, definitely, children love to learn about traditional festivals as they are always curious to know everything. Moreover, I remember when I was a child, I used to keep asking questions from my grandparents about the festivals, how they used to celebrate, what they used to wear on festivals and many more.

traditional festival important country

Question 10. Why do people hold events to celebrate?

Answer – There are various reasons behind organizing the events to celebrate: first and foremost, some people organize to get a chance to strengthen the relations with their loved ones or friends; second, some hold events to celebrate the victory and success; and third, some do it to promote their business while some have desire to relieve their stress as well as have some fun.

Question 11. Are traditional festivals disappearing?

Answer – No traditional festivals are not disappearing; infact people are celebrating festivals with more fun and enjoyment as compared to the past. Moreover, these days events are organized to celebrate such traditions.

Question 12. Is music important in traditional festivals?

Answer – As i earlier mentioned traditional festivals are incomplete without music because it adds charm as well as completes the ceremony properly. I think without music, there would be no fun as well as people will feel bored.

Question 13. Do you think good food and drinks are important for celebrations?

Answer – Celebration, in my opinion, is incomplete without refreshment since after enjoyment, people require energy to be active, thus there should be nice food and drinks to celebrate the event without becoming fatigued.

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