Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information IELTS CUE CARD

Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information IELTS CUE CARD

Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information IELTS CUE CARD


Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information

You Should Say:

When you got it? occasion received incorrect information

How you got it?

How you found it was incorrect?

And how you felt about it?

Sample Answer 1


Well, mostly we get information from the internet nowadays. But it is quite difficult to get authentic(real, genuine) information due to fake websites. But toady, i am going to talk about a time when I got incorrect information from a pamphlet.

When you got it?

It happened six months ago, when I paid a visit(visited) to Chandigarh. I went there with my friends during vacation.

occasion received incorrect information

How you got it?

When we were enjoying at Sukhna lake then we saw a stranger who was distributing pamphlets to people. He gave us too. When I read it, I got thrilled. Actually, it gave information that a cultural event is celebrated today at 7 p.m. at the park which is in the vicinity of sukhna lake.
And two Punjabi singers are coming there. That information made us happy and we decided to must go there. At around 7pm when we went to that park and bought the entry ticket, Which was 500 rupees. After that we relished some food and started watching some performances of that event.

occasion received incorrect information

How you found it was incorrect?

But after 2 hours, we did not see any singer. Then we met the manager of that event and asked about the singers. He refused that no celebrity will come and also told us that he did not distribute any pamphlet. That time we shocked and said why that stranger gave us incorrect information.

And how you felt about it?

We tried our best to find the stranger but all went in vain. I got furious at that moment. We wasted our time and money on entry ticket but did not do anything.


we realized one thing that never trust blindly on anyone. So, that was a day when I got incorrect information which spoiled my mood.

occasion received incorrect information

Sample Answer 2


Well, obtaining information has become so CONVENIENT due to the invention of the internet. Although I have gathered data from different sources on various topics throughout my life, But here I would like to share one instance when I received INACCURATE details about something.

It happened two years ago. My teacher gave me an assignment on the topic of demonetization. I was AQUAINTED with the situation, but I was UNSURE of the facts and data. So I BEGAN BROWSING the internet. Within a few seconds, I had enough details to prepare the project. I started preparing, and within two days I had it ready.

Before submitting it, I went to my uncle’s place to show it, as he works as a bank manager. He REVIEWED my assignment THOROUGHLY and informed me about the wrong dates and facts. Firstly, I got confused as there was only one day left to submit it. Then my uncle provided me with the correct information and ASSISTED me in completing it before the deadline. Then I took a SIGH OF RELIEF.

occasion received incorrect information

I felt really disappointed but also learned a lesson that we should cross-check the data thoroughly instead of RELYING on a single source. Moreover, I also felt grateful to my uncle, who supported me through a difficult moment. Lastly, I would say this was the first time I received incorrect information that taught me something useful.

Follow up

Question 1. What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?

Answer – There are numerous specialists who share their knowledge with others. For example, the media profession, which provides information about incidents occurring around the world, whether small or large, and advertising, which provides information about new product and service launches, how to use a product, and what the benefit of the product is, Furthermore, those working in industries such as the Educational Institute Academy provide knowledge to students.

Question 2. What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?

Answer – There are many differences between giving information by phone and email. If I talk about the information given by phone, it is brief, the recipient has to listen, and they receive quick response about the matter. On the other hand, the information provided in an email can be more elaborative as compared to a phone call; an email is mostly used as a formal way of providing information and can be made only by authentic account person. Moreover, a person needs to wait for the response in the case of an email.

Question 3. How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

Answer – Well, there are multiple sources available on the Internet to verify the piece of information. Moreover, there are some authentic sites that can easily differentiate between fake data and the truth.

Question 4. Do people trust the information online?

Answer – Yes, definitely, people trust the information online because these days everyone is working online and people post different things on different topics, but people trust only the sites that are authentic as well as approved by the government.

occasion received incorrect information

Question 5. What’s the difference between email and phone in terms of providing information?

Answer – In terms of providing information, email is more secure as compared to a phone call because email provides a written record of the statement, which can be used in times of dispute or misunderstanding. On the other hand, a phone call can be made by anyone, is brief, but giving information by phone can get a quick response as well as allow the person to convey tone and emotion.

Question 6. Which do you think is the better way to provide information, by phone or by email?

Answer – As per my view, information provided by a phone call is better as compared to email because by making a phone call, they can clear the doubts of both parties at the same time, as well as get a quick response, which saves the time of both parties. Furthermore, by making a phone call, they can understand each other’s feelings better as compared to the information provided by the email. Apart from this, a phone call is really important in times of emergency.

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