Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For Something Nice IELTS CUE CARD
Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For Something Nice
You Should Say:
When it happened? occasion waited nice thing
What the nice thing was?
How long you waited?
Why you waited for a long time?
And explain how you felt about the experience?
Sample Answer 1
Well it’s a herculean task for almost everyone to wait for something. But it’s unavoidable. I have had plenty of occasions in my life when I had to wait for something for a long period of time. But here I am interested to talk about a time when I had to wait for something fabulous for a prolonged period of time. it happened during my college days. Actually my college was very far from my hometown and I used to go to my college by bus. As public transport system in my hometown was not fully developed at that time, I was often late for class which was affecting my study negatively.
Then I decided to buy my own vehicle for commuting to college. But sadly, I was a penniless young student. Also, I didn’t want to put financial burden on my parents since they had done a lot for me before. So, I made up mind to do a part-time job and purchase a two-wheeler with my own hard-earned cash. Moving ahead, I was aware that it would not happen overnight, it would Ofcourse take a huge amount of time to purchase a bike.
Therefore, along with studying I was doing a job. Finally after working hard for approximately 6 months I had enough money to buy a brand-new bike for me. Explaining further, as far as my experience is concerned, Honestly I felt myself on the top of the world when I saw my bike in front of my eyes.
occasion waited nice thing
It was of my favorite color as well as of my favorite company. Since I had been looking forward to it for months, I was left with a profound sense of joy and satisfaction after getting my desired thing. Apart from this my family members were also absolutely delighted for me.
Sample Answer 2
Sometimes having patience is beneficial for us and i have waited various times in my life to get some nice things. However, today I would like to talk about a time when i had to wait 6 months to get my bicycle. It happened when I was in 6 sixth class. Actually, all my friends had stylish bicycles and they used to come school by them.
I also requested my father to buy a new bicycle for me, but he said I will only get bicycle if I score above 90 per cent marks in my final exams. I agreed with my father, and there were 6 months left for my exams. I started burning midnight oil( do study till late night) in order to achieve my dream. I felt low because it was a huge time for me to wait for my bicycle.
Somehow, I stayed motivated and kept doing hard work. I not only studied in my school but I also joined tuition classes in the evening time. Finally, when my exams came, I gave my hundred percent, but further I needed to wait because result was to be announced after one month.
occasion waited nice thing
Finally, my wait was over, and luckily I got 92 per cent. My parents and teachers appreciated me for my brilliant scores. I was excited for my gift that I received on the same day at night. It was extremely a beautiful bicycle, and I felt over the moon.