Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired IELTS CUE CARD


Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired

You Should Say:

What it is? something broken home repaired

How it was broken?

How you got it repaired?

How you felt about it?

Sample Answer 1

Well, in this materialistic era once in the blue moon people prefer to repair damaged items because most of them are keen on buying new stuff. Here, I would like to talk about a significant thing that was broken and then repaired. I vividly remember that it is a matter of last year when I was teaching bicycle riding to my niece and out of the blue, she hit with table on which my grandfather’s radio was kept.

It fell on the floor and shattered from one side. Initially, we did not bother about it much but when my grandfather came to know about it he got freaked out and felt blue. So my father took it to the market for repair but his all efforts went down the drain because it was quite old and its broken part was not available in our city. Thus I decided to buy a new radio for my grandfather but he denied it and insisted on the repair of the same because it was not merely an object for him but a way to revive the nostalgic memories of his past life.

something broken home repaired

Actually, It was bought by his father for him hence, he was emotionally connected with it. I felt doleful to see my grandpa who seemed like a bird without wings. Therefore, I discussed it with my bosom friend who suggested a market in our district city Ludhiana so we went there and by God’s grace eventually it was fixed.

At that time I took a sigh of relief and when I hand it over to my grandfather he was over the moon which also brought a grin to my face. On this day, I realized that price of things does not matter but feelings and affection do.

Sample Answer 2

something broken home repaired

Well, i think we should repair things instead of buying because it helps to save our money as well as our environment. Today i am going to talk about a time when my laptop broke down and then i got it repaired. It happened two years ago, when i was making presentation on my laptop.

After some time, my nephew came in my room and started playing with his football. I stopped him many times but he did not listen to me. Suddenly, he hit the football on my laptop and it fell down. When i picked up, it did not start and screen was broken.

I rebuked my nephew for his negligence. Although, i tried to start my laptop, but all went in vain. After that, i went to the shop which deals with electronic gadgets and told the whole story to technician. Then he changed the display.

Despite the fact that, i had to pay 10000 rupees but i felt happy after repairing my laptop. After that, i started working on it. So, my laptop once broke down and then i got it repaired.

Follow up

1- Are IT related jobs valued more by society?

Ans- well I don’t know if the jobs which are related to information technology are valued more by the people of T my nation or not but yes many people have dreams to work in the IT sector and this sector is progressing by leaps and bounds.

something broken home repaired

2- Is the quality of products worse than before?

Ans- yes of course there is no doubt that the quality of products has fallen up to some extent as it is a competitive era so just to increase their sales companies produce cheaper products nowadays and compromise with the quality.

3- What kind of things do people like to repair themselves?

Answer- gone are the days when to get something repaired people used to visit a mechanic because technology has made the life of each and every human so much easier. Google and YouTube have a lot of content whereby people identify the problem of their product and solve it themselves.

4- why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired at specialised stores?

Answer- There might be countless reasons why people prefer specialised stores for getting their phones repaired such as they may think that specialised stores use quality products and they do not steal personal data as a customer’s privacy and customer’s satisfaction is their first priority. whereas in common stores it is hard to trust anyone because phones are extremely important for everyone these days, as everyone’s important data is saved in their phones so nobody wants to take any kind of risk. I think this is the main reason.


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