Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people IELTS CUE CARD


Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

You Should Say:

What it was? something someone group people

Who you did it with?

How long it took you to do this?

And explian why you did it together?

Sample Answer 1


Group activities play an important role to socialize with others.

If I talk about myself, I took part in an art competition which was organized by my school during 10th standard in which students participated in different kind of activities like dancing, singing and painting. My friends and I performed Bhangra on that event. Basically it is a traditional and most popular folk dance of Punjab.

Describe an adventure you would like to go on

As we are passionate about bhangra so, we took part in this activity. It is performed in a circular formation. We practiced 15 days before the art competition. After our classes we practiced this activity in the playground of our school and we used to spend 2 hours on it. We also bought traditional attires for our performance. On the day of the competition, I was quite excited.

something someone group people

While we were performing, I enjoyed a lot. Performing in a group really gives me an immense happiness. Bhangra is a group activity. So, we performed it in a group of 7 people. We danced on folk songs. In fact, we got first prize for our performance. Everyone was praising our group activity.


I felt over the moon at that moment. So, that was a time when I did traditional dance in a group.

Sample Answer 2


Well, I did many things with my friend’s and relative. Here, I would like to give One example of a thing that I did with a group of people.

It was organizing a charity walk to raise money for a local children’s hospital. About 2 years ago when covid 19 on the pick, my friends and I came up with the idea and worked together to plan the event. We promoted the walk through social media and reached out to local businesses for donations and sponsorships.

On the day of the event, we had over 100 participants show up to walk and raise money for the hospital. It was a great feeling to see so many people come together for a good cause. We also had a local band perform, and had a food truck and children’s games that were sponsored by local businesses.

It was a great day, not only we raised a good amount of money for the hospital but also brought the community together. It was an amazing experience to see how a small idea can turn into something big with the help of my friends and the community.

something someone group people


It was a great feeling to know that we were making a difference in the lives of the children and their families at the hospital. That was a time when I did this with a group of people.

Sample Answer 3

Something that instantly comes to my mind when asked about doing things with a group of people is cleaning the home during the new year time. On an ordinary day cleaning is done mostly by maids.

However, whenever it is New Year time my mother expects that each one of us clean every corner of our home together. So it is the entire family with whom I do the activity of home cleaning. It takes us approximately 15 to 20 days to complete the task of cleaning the entire home and decorating it. There are many reasons why we do this together.

The first reason is that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep the home clean and clutter free. The second reason is that most of us get leave during the festival season and this is the time to utilize it well, in cleaning and organizing our abode. Additionally, if we do the activity of cleaning together then it is more enjoyable and it brings the family closer and the work also becomes faster.

When all of us indulge into cleaning each one of us also realize the importance of house work. Whenever we do this cleaning activity together we always have a plan and a deadline. It is my mother who assigns different duties to us and we do it diligently without any arguments or issues.

Sometimes it does happen that we fight for not doing certain kind of work but overall it is fun and one another way to exercise. At times when we are very tired at the end of the day we order food from outside and enjoy the meal together. Although, it is a very tiresome activity we look forward to do this task together because it brings our family close and we learn to respect and appreciate the place where we live.

Sometimes we think about these times and laugh at each other and ourselves as well. Apart from cleaning, there are other activities which I do together with my family and that is taking certain important decisions, going out on holidays and vacations, eating a meal together on Sundays and praying to God on important occasions.

Sample Answer 4

Well, being a social butterfly, I prefer to work in groups because I feel tired and monotonous when I perform solo. Although I have participated in a variety of activities with the team, one is unique and worth mentioning.

Actually, it occurred two years ago. I recall that it was the month of January. At that time, I came to know that one of my favorite friends was returning from overseas after finishing his studies. I discussed it over with my close mates and decided to throw him a surprise party. We had one week to prepare. I did it by forming a team of five people.

Initially, it appeared as a piece of cake, but as we progressed, we realized it was herculean. Then one of my friends suggested that we divide the work according to our talents. My friend and I took charge of the decoration. Another friend has excellent culinary skills; he was in charge of refreshments, while my other friend had the onus to invite the attendees.

I perform this with my friends for ample reasons. The first and foremost fact is that it was a daunting task for a single person because I had to do everything from soups to nuts. Moreover, it was a great way to spend quality time. All in all, it was the time when I organized party with the assistance of my peers

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