Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Home or Dream House where You Want to Live IELTS CUE CARD

Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Home or Dream House where You Want to Live IELTS CUE CARD

Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Home or Dream House where You Want to Live IELTS CUE CARD


Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Home or Dream House where You Want to Live

You should say:

Where this place would be? idea perfect home live
What it would look like?
When you would like to live there?
Explain why it is ideal to you?

Sample Answer 1


Well almost everyone creates a s clear picture of his or her perfect abode in mind. I also dream of my ideal house and want to turn it into reality

It would be outside the city where I can get rid of the husltle and bustle of modern life and experience peace and happiness. Moreover it will be in a pollution free area. Actually, presently i am living in a congested area. What’s more this is a small-sized house, however I wish to have a huge living space with advanced facilities. It would be a two story house. The ground floor will comprise 4 bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a kitchen, a store room and a living room.

And on the first floor there would be a fully equipped gym room, library and meditation room. Apart from this my dream house would contain a swimming pool where I can swim with my friends and a garden in the backyard with all sorts of plants of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Besides i desire to have other facilities in my house like, Wi-Fi, ACs and solar panel.

idea perfect home live

Describe someone you know who often helps others

Moving ahead, although this house would have all mod cons, it should also be surrounded by nature and trees. Nextly It will take some time to fulfill my dream of living in a perfect abode because currently I don’t have sufficient amount of money to buy such a house. Explaining further there are a couple of reasons why it’s ideal for me. Firstly, Top-notch facilities in this house makes it a flawless living space for me. Secondly, as it’s a nature-surrounded place, I will always feel myself in the lap of nature.

Sample Answer 2

The house in which I would like to live is a farm house. Though I would not want to live there permanently but yes definitely for the most of my weekends I would love to live in a farmhouse.

I wish that the farmhouse should have minimal facilities and should be more like a cozy hut rather than a lavish apartment. It should just have bare essentials so that I feel closer to mother nature and myself. I desire that the farmhouse should be ideally in the center of a farm and also not very far from my residence.

Not because I want to go back to living in a facilitated home but because I can easily access the farmhouse it should be close by. I would like to live in this kind of a house for various reasons. The very first reason is that I am a nature lover. Another reason is that I can get an opportunity to be away from the hustle bustle life whenever I like.

idea perfect home live

Living on a farm house will give me an opportunity to grow my own organic food and experience fresh air. I can live longer and have a qualitative life. It will also be an opportunity to feel calmness and be more productive in my work/study. When I talk about this kind of a house in my thoughts I feel keener to really have such a home. It is like a dream home. I feel that we should all experience life in this kind of a home.

We should use less gadgets and electricity and make the most out of daylight and sunlight for our good health. When people dream of furnished apartments and royal houses they forget that they are taking away life from their abode. I will grow my own herbs and use this house to escape from the busy and hectic life. I wish I can make such a house for myself.

Follow up

Question 1. Do most Indians live in apartments or homes?

Answer – Well it’s determined by the area in which they live, if they reside in urbanized areas like, massive towns, metropolitan cities, they live in apartments because such places tend to be overcrowded and in order to accommodate this proliferating population over there, high-rise buildings are being constructed. But on the flip side population residing in small towns, towns, villages have bigger houses as there is huge space.

Question 2. Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or do they like to live alone?

Answer – Ofcourse youngsters in India prefer to remain with their parents, they follow this tradition. However in this day and age competition is accelerating in each and every field, so young people have to relocate to other cities or countries to make their career or fulfill dreams. For this reason they have to live apart from their loved ones.

Question 3. Would you live in foreign country in the future?

Answer – Undoubtedly yes, i am looking forward to moving abroad for a certain time period for studying and working purpose simultaneously. I reckon, in developed nations such as, Australia, Canada there is advanced education and highest employment rate.

Question 4. How is the design of modern homes in your country different from before?

Answer – In my nation, Homes, which were designed in the past and are being designed in the present time, are vastly different from each other. Nowadays people want all the top-notch facilities in their houses so they are built according to it. Moreover material, used in construction of dwellings is of highly advanced quality. And at the same time it insures protection from natural calamities. However, previously houses were larger, there was less utilization of space. What’s more material quality was not that good.

Question 5. In your country what type of home do most people live in?

Answer – People live in their ideal dwellings according to the members in their family, space or their financial budget. Some live in single-storey houses or others opt for double, multi-storey houses.

idea perfect home live

Question 6. Do people usually rent or buy a house?

Answer – Well according to my perspective there are two factors which works here, if people are with strong financial health they, definitely like to own a house, otherwise they live in rented houses. Additionally if any person have to migrate from time to time from one place to other place for some purposes, like job, promotion or something like that, he or she, surely will prefer renting a home rather than buying.

idea perfect home live

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