Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result) IELTS CUE CARD

Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result) IELTS CUE CARD

Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result) IELTS CUE CARD


Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result)

You Should Say:

What did you complain about talk about complained something

Who you complained to

When it happened

What was the result

why you were satisfied with the result?

Sample Answer 1


Well, I am the kind of person who does not like to complain about things because I believe that it is a waste of time.

However, today I am going to talk about a time when I had to complain about a watch that I purchased from the Flipkart application that was defective. But in the end, I got a positive result. This incident took place almost a year ago. I was just surfing the internet and found a beautiful watch on the Flipkart application. I wanted to purchase the same one of that particular brand.

Describe an adventure you would like to go on

talk about complained something

I got astonished when I saw that watch. After checking all the reviews, I selected the watch and ordered the product. After that, I was excited to receive my parcel. Within a week, I received my parcel. Immediately, I opened that parcel but my all excitement turned into disappointment because I found the defective watch.

Then I tried to contact customer care and told the whole situation to him. Apart from this, I also sent pictures of the defective watch. After that, he realized his mistake and apologized to me. He promised to take strict action against the seller. On the next day, a delivery man came to my address and picked up my watch’s parcel.

Moreover, he also gave me a new parcel at that time from which I got a beautiful watch. So, this was the time when I complained about a defective product but eventually, I received the good one.

Sample Answer 2


Well, making complaints is a natural part of our life, But I rarely complaint whenever i am not satisfied with the service or something unexpected happens in front of me.

Today, I am going to talk about a situation when I had to make a complain. It happened last year, when I visited a park near my hometown with my friends. When we went there, I got shocked to see the pathetic(very bad) condition of that park.

I saw a lot of heaps of rubbish in the form of plastic bottles and wrappers of edibles. I got confused who did this because that park is quite famous in our area as it is equipped with numerous facilities and people love to visit this place. When I asked from the people who live near that place, I came to know that a birthday party had been organized there last night by local people.

talk about complained something

I got furious after listening this. At first I approached those people who arranged that party and requested them to clean the park but they denied. Then I immediately made a call to local authority and complained about the situation of the park.

After some time, when officers came and observed the whole situation, they ordered that local people (who littered the park) to clean the park, they followed their order and cleaned that area. I got a sigh of relief. I felt quite satisfied that local authority acted upon my complaint. So, that was a time when I made a complaint.

Sample Answer 3

Something that I complained about initially but eventually got good result was a gifted smart watch that I received from my friends. It was a much awaited gift. I really wanted it and was very excited to receive it.

It was an expensive model and also a limited edition piece. The happiness of this compact gadget was short- lived as I was struggling to use it. This happened on my last birthday. I complained to my friend about my disappointment.

The issue was that it is not user friendly at all. I was not very well acquainted with its user interface and that made it difficult and challenging for me to use it. I could not connect it easily to my phone and that increased my problems. I used this watch daily in my morning walks but it was not easy to operate. I felt irritable as it took a lot of my time to figure out the mechanism. It was also very tough for me to charge its battery.

All in all the functions and the appearance of the watch were great but using it easily was not my cup of tea. Sometimes, I felt like buying another smart watch which was simplified as well as multifunctional. But I was hopeful that I will eventually learn it and then enjoy its features. The friend to whom I complained had a similar model and so he patiently taught me everything.

talk about complained something

Gradually I learnt it and started using its features. Now I am able to use it daily. I wear it all day and can also record all my activities. I am glad and satisfied that my problem is solved and that I can make the most use of all its features. I am thoroughly celebrating it now. I have become fit and healthy and can also flaunt my expensive smart watch. It has given me fabulous results after giving me a hard time.

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