Describe a time when you insulted your teacher IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a time when you insulted your teacher IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a time when you insulted your teacher IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a time when you insulted your teacher

You Should Say:

when it happened

where it happened

How you solved it

How you felt

Sample Answer 1

No doubt, tutors play an essential role in student’s life. Throughout my education, I have met numerous experienced and best teachers. I have great respect for my all mentors, however today I am going to share an incident when I insulted my teacher unintentionally.

I remember, it was during 12th class when our class went on a school trip to Chandigarh with our class incharge Mr. Suraj. After reaching there, we visited the eminent mall of Chandigarh, Elante mall. We all classmates were doing a lot of fun as well as laughing loudly. Then, our teacher came to us and started scolding for laughing loudly. To be honest, I felt embarrassed and I spoke rudely with him.

Moreover, I also spoke loudly to him in front of other individuals in the mall. After few minutes, I realized my mistake and felt down in the dumps. Then, I made my mind to apologize to my mentor. I went close to him and apologized for my mistake. He accepted my apology and told me to never repeat such kind of mistake in future.

Finally, my mentor’s smile on face gave me a sigh of relief. This incident also gave me a valuable life lesson to respect those who are working hard for our better future. So, that was the time when I insulted my teacher.

Describe a time when you insulted your teacher

Sample Answer 2

Mmm, it’s quite hard for me to recall a time that I insulted my teachers because I always looked up to my teachers. But in answer to this question, there was a time when I couldn’t control myself and spoke against my teacher. I wouldn’t say I know the exact time of the incident but it was in summer. l remember clearly that our math teacher gave us homework and I was absent because I was feeling under the weather.

My teacher asked me about the homework the following day when I arrived at class, and I said that I hadn’t completed it because I hadn’t been there. My teacher gave me punishment for not doing the homework. I really felt so bad that my teacher was not ready to listen to me.

I know that we should not speak against our teachers but to be perfectly honest, I was just trying to explain that I was not well and this was the reason for not doing the homework. My teacher took it in a wrong way that I insulted him by speaking against him. He took me to the principal office and complained about my behaviour.

Our school principal asked me to bring my parents to the school and I got scared to do so. Somehow I apologised profusely to my teacher and he then allowed me to sit in the class. This was the time when I realized that I should not have spoken against my teacher. I’m still ashamed of my behaviour.


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